Brenda will be the featured performer on Episode #209 of The Barber Shop Podcast on November 23rd. The weekly webcast is the creation of Hamilton music lover Kevin Barber, and is now into its third year of continuous weekly broadcasts.
The Barber Shop Podcast is legendary. Brenda is looking forward to the opportunity to be able to share her music with a wider audience, especially in the uniquely interactive setting of a live webcast, where audience members can participate on live chat during the show.
Special Announcement - The Barber Shop Podcast is upgrading its studio cameras to full HD standard by accepting donations through a GoFundMe campaign. Anybody who watches the program and sends a note mentioning that they made a donation to the campaign will receive a Brenda Brown EP CD. Remember you can participate in the chat session during the show when it is aired:
Be sure to tune in!
Wednesday, November 23, 8:30PM - 9:30PM (approximate start/finish times).
Here is the link to watch: